Content Policy

Updated: October 4, 2023

This Playgap Content Policy (the “Content Policy”) is incorporated into, and forms and integral part of, Playgap's Terms of Service (the “Terms”). Pursuant to the Terms, Publishers and Advertisers are obligated to fully comply with the Content Policy. Capitalized terms used and not defined in this Content Policy have the meanings given to them in the Terms.

Advertisements or Properties that contain, link or relate to content, goods or services that are listed below are prohibited:

    1. Deceptive Content. Content purporting to be truthful, but that is fraudulent, misleading, deceptive, or disinformation (e.g., fake news, get rich quick schemes, impersonating products or services of a third party). Content trying to trick or deceive an End-User into taking an action for purposes of attracting traffic or obtaining information under false/misleading pretenses (e.g., clickbait, phishing schemes, fake promotional offers). Content making false, fraudulent, defamatory, or misleading statements concerning any individual or entity, or that bullies, insults, intimidates or humiliates any person.
    2. Graphic or Shocking Content. Content that contains excessive or gratuitous graphic violence or mutilation or that glorifies or promotes human suffering, death, self-harm, suicide, eating disorders, or violence against humans or animals (e.g., real/realistic gratuitous displays of people or animals being killed, mutilated, tortured, or abused).
    3. Hateful or Discriminatory. Content that incites violence or hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization. Content promoting hate groups or hate group paraphernalia.
    4. Illegal Activities. Content that displays, promotes or facilitates any activities, services, products or materials that are illegal or prohibited by any applicable law, statute, ordinance, rule, regulation or court order in any jurisdiction where such content is made available (e.g., content promoting or facilitating human trafficking or identity theft).
    5. Intellectual Property and Third-Party Rights Abuse. Content, goods or services that infringe or misappropriate, or promote, facilitate, or induce the infringement or misappropriation of, any copyright, trademark, trade secret, patent or any other intellectual property or proprietary, privacy, or personality right (applications facilitating the unauthorized copying or distribution of music or video content).
    6. Malicious Software. Content that contains, installs, links to, or prompts the download of any software containing questionable security, malware, spyware, adware, a Trojan horse, viruses or other harmful or deleterious software routines (e.g., ransomware, worms, rootkits, keyloggers, dialers, and other malicious programs or apps).
    7. Profane. Content containing lewd, vulgar, obscene, indecent or profane language.
    8. Sexually Explicit. Content which contains or depicts graphic sexual acts intended to arouse, content which promotes or facilitates sexual acts in exchange for payment or compensation, or content which promotes or facilitates non-consensual, denigrating, or obscene sexual activity, including, but not limited to, pedophilia, rape, incest, bestiality, extreme or shocking sex, child pornography, or otherwise sexually suggestive content that relates to persons who are, or are suggested to be, under the legal age permitted in applicable jurisdiction.
    9. Other Sexual Content. Content that displays partial or full exposure of intimate body parts (whether blurred or censored). Content that promotes fetishes, sex merchandise, or sexual aids/enhancers. Content that promotes or facilitates sexual entertainment or dating sites with the clear intent for sexual encounters.
    10. Weapons and other Dangerous Products. Content that promotes products or features the sale of, or instructions to create, actual weapons or dangerous products of any kind; including guns, bombs, weapon accessories, fireworks, and/or ammunition.
    11. Alcohol Content. Alcohol-related content must not glorify or incite the irresponsible consumption of alcohol, and should contain proper health warnings and responsible drinking messages, such as “drink responsibly,” “do not drink and drive,” etc. Any alcohol campaigns targeting minors are not allowed. Advertising must not be directed toward individuals under the applicable minimum drinking age, or served in a context where it is highly likely it will be displayed to such individuals.
    12. Gambling. Content promoting any form of brick and mortar or online gambling, social casinos, real world reward gaming, fantasy sports, sweepstakes, or lotteries. In certain cases, exceptions can be made if agreed with Playgap in writing.
    13. Illegal Drugs or Restricted Substances. Content that promotes substances (including substances that may be legal under local law) that induce “highs” or otherwise alter the mental state for recreational purposes; content that promotes or facilitates recreational drug use, including medical or recreational drugs such as marijuana, even in jurisdictions where it may be legal under local law; content that promotes the sale of drug paraphernalia.
    14. Content aimed at minors. Content that is aimed at children but is not age appropriate and includes material that might impair the physical, mental or moral development of persons under the age of 18
    15. Political and Religious. Content regarding political parties, candidates, PACs, ballot measures, or fundraising for political parties, candidates, PACs, and ballot measures. Content cannot exploit sensitive political or religious issues for commercial gain or promote extreme political or extreme religious agendas or any known associations with hate, criminal or terrorist activities. Content that exploits political agendas, sensitive political issues or uses “hot button” political issues or names of prominent politicians is not allowed regardless of whether the publisher or advertiser has a political agenda.
    16. Tobacco and Vaping. Content that promotes any form of tobacco or nicotine-related products, including vaping and electronic cigarettes.
    17. Medical or Healthcare. Content promoting medical, pharmaceutical, or healthcare related products and services, including, but not limited to, prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, birth control and fertility products, online pharmacies, non-government unapproved substances, medical treatments and procedures, and clinical trial recruitment.
    18. VPN Applications. Applications whose purpose is to provide users with virtual private networks across public network connections or other similar services.

The list above is not an exhaustive list. Publishers and Advertisers have a responsibility to ensure that their Advertisements or Properties are compliant with applicable laws in the jurisdictions that they operate and offer their goods and services. This Content Policy is subject to change without notice.

Failure to comply with this Content Policy constitutes a material breach of our Terms of Service. Violations of this Content Policy will be determined in Playgap's sole discretion.