Advertisement Placement Policy

This Playgap Advertisement Placement Policy (the “Placement Policy”) is incorporated into, and forms and integral part of, Playgap's Terms of Service (the “Terms”). Pursuant to the Terms, Publishers are obligated to fully comply with this Placement Policy. Capitalized terms used and not defined in this Placement Policy have the meanings given to them in the Terms.

Publisher's Advertisement placements in all Publisher Properties must comply with the following:

  1. Placements should not be placed so close to or underneath buttons or any other object within the applicable Property that End-Users are likely to accidentally click.
  2. Placements should not be placed in areas where End-Users will randomly click or place their fingers on the screen.
  3. Placements should not be placed in Properties such that they are running in the background of the device or outside of the Property environment. It should be clear to the End-User from which Property an Advertisement originates. For example, placements launched before a Property has opened or after an Property has closed would be a violation of this Placement Policy.
  4. Placements should not be placed in a way that abnormally interferes with navigating or interacting with the Property's core content and functionality.
  5. Placements should not be placed in screens with no or little content (e.g., log-in, error pages, etc.).
  6. End-Users must have a means to exit any screen that contains an Advertisement placement without being forced to click on the Advertisement (with the exception of a full-screen Advertisement once it starts following a related End-User initiated action).
  7. Placements may not be disguised in any way or otherwise implemented in a manner such that they might be mistaken for other Property content. This includes formatting neighboring content to look similar to Ads.
  8. Placements may not be placed on pages where dynamic content (e.g., live chats, instant messaging, auto-refreshing comments, etc.) is the primary focus of the page.
  9. Placements may not be presented or located in a manner that makes it unlikely an Advertisement would actually be viewed.

This Placement Policy is subject to change without notice. Violations of this Placement Policy will be determined in Playgap's sole discretion.