Rewarded Ad Inventory Policy

Updated: October 4, 2023

This Playgap Rewarded Ad Inventory Policy (the “Rewarded Ad Inventory Policy”) is incorporated into, and forms and integral part of, Playgap's Terms of Service (the “Terms”). Pursuant to the Terms, Publishers are obligated to fully comply with this Rewarded Ad Inventory Policy. Capitalized terms used and not defined in this Rewarded Ad Inventory Policy have the meanings given to them in the Terms.

  1. Publishers of Properties may offer their End-Users the opportunity to view Advertisements in exchange for in-app virtual rewards such as game tokens, virtual currency, gems, and other in-app items (each, a “Reward Offer”), provided that Publishers may not:
    1. encourage or incentivize End-Users to interact with an Advertisement itself in such a way as to generate taps, clicks, downloads, installs, or other End-User actions;
    2. encourage or incentivize End-Users to view an Advertisement or take any action in connection with an Advertisement using (unless agreed to by Playgap in writing to the contrary):
      1. any offers of real-world rewards such as cash, prizes, incentives, gift cards, goods, services, vouchers or anything of value; or
      2. language that any Advertisement engagement will help the Publisher or any other party directly (e.g., “support us” or similar language).
  2. All rewards must be redeemable from within the Property in which the Rewarded Offer was made.
  3. Publishers may not offer a Reward Offer that cannot actually be redeemed or otherwise fail to deliver a promised Rewarded Offer upon completion of the required task.
  4. Publishers are solely responsible for all Reward Offers and must fulfill the terms of each Reward Offer with each End-User.

This Rewarded Ad Inventory Policy is subject to change without notice. Violations of this Rewarded Ad Inventory Policy will be determined in Playgap's sole discretion.